Several different road safety use cases were tested for research purposes and presented to the public on the 15th of December on a test track in Sodankylä. The event was part of the 5G Safe Plus -research project. Goodmill’s multichannel router played an integral part as many of the use cases were focused on hybrid connectivity. The test track had both LTE and 5G test network connectivity as well as ITS-G5 and satellite links available. All the demonstrations were successful.
“There are two vitally important aspects for Goodmill in this work. First, we are interested in the general future of road safety and autonomous vehicles, but almost equally important is the ability to test satellite communications solutions in the high north where we have many existing public safety customers.”, outlines Topias Uotila, CEO of Goodmill Systems.
Sodankylä is a municipality in Finland located about 67 degrees north – beyond the artic circle. Only a handful of countries extend as far from the equator. All of these countries are in the northern hemisphere as 67 degrees south is already on Antarctica. This means that most satellite orbits have not been designed to serve these regions and may thus be inadequate for local safety authorities.
Goodmill wishes to thank all the partners and especially VTT, Destia and Finnish Meteorological Institute for organizing the event. You can read more about the test in Finnish from FMI’s website.