Goodmill Supports the 5G Cyber Security Hack Event


Finnish organizations Traficom, Huoltovarmuuskeskus and Junction are organizing a cyber security hackathon around 5G technologies this June from the 18th to the 20th. The hackathon has four cases from different companies that challenge hackers to test the security of various 5G networks and network elements. The event is virtual and open to all interested hackers globally. You can see more information and join here.

Goodmill System’s products are not being penetration tested in the event but are supporting Aalto University to host a part of the challenge environment as our contribution to this great event. We recommend all interested persons to take up on this unique opportunity and participate in the challenges!

Traficom is the Finnish communications regulatory authority and responsible for the National Cyber Security Center, Huoltovarmuuskeskus is in charge of the national security of supply across all the sectors of Finnish society and Junction is an expert in organizing hackathons.